A Daughter's First Year

This is a piece of work about a personal journey I made almost 15 years ago: the first 12 months in the life of my first child Ella, and my wife Lynda’s journey from expectant to actual motherhood. But most of all for Ella, a new-born to a one year-old.

Looking back on this work now is remarkable as not only do I see my teenage daughter as a sweet infant again and how our world has moved on, but it also shows a family from a previous century.

Ella now has a brother and we are four.


  1. Right through the scale- Powerful emotion to laugh out loud funny. Pure gold and what a fantastic record to keep in the family.

  2. So the question is to Blurb, or not to Blurb? Amazingly, when these negs were originally scanned, I neglected to keep the high-res so now, I almost have to start again.

  3. That's a whole lot of work. Seems this project has already had a good run so maybe best to concentrate on nailing your street photo tome and making it the masterpiece it can be. It's also such an innovative approach which might be worth blogging about here later on.
