Sunday 24th July 2011 - Paul Treacy

I'm not sure if this is a good picture or not but I love looking at it. The rotund dude was finding it difficult to get the tape to stick and his colleague was struggling to find the confidence to tell me to move on, I think. He certainly was uncomfortable with me standing close by and being curious. Instead he just turned his back and pretended I wasn't there. Or perhaps he was just embarrassed at his colleague's pathetic fumbling.

Having a kip on Tottenham Court Road. See also, The X100 Files

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Woman and wooden figure, Covent Garden

Slightly blurry but thought I'd make a quick shot as I approached and then compose more carefully once closer but she moved away.

Old man, young man

An old man and a young man passing on a Soho street in London yesterday, 24th July, 2011.